Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Moving pass the diet

I have been reading magazine articles, buying books, buying exercise DVDs, basically researching loosing weight for way too long without doing anything serious about it. Sure, I have made attempts here and there, but nothing really lasted. Let’s face it, it’s not about dieting it’s about changing a lifestyle and keeping the new one ‘till you die. That’s a long time to be doing anything and frankly I have discovered lately I don’t do well with long term commitments.

The words “food is not the problem” caught my attention when I saw Joyce Tinley’s book, Why Diets Don’t Work Food is not the Problem. My job involves a lot of observation and examining behavior. Part of that is figuring out why people do what they do; whether it’s to gain attention or avoid an activity or task satisfied an unmet need.
For example, I eat to cover depression or frustrations or don’t eat to punish myself. It’s an unproductive cycle. In her book, Joyce shares a biblical view of eating and inviting God to walk along side you to make healthy choices.

Like many, Joyce has battled her weight for years; since the age of 10. She used food as a comfort, and defining her self –worth based on the image in the mirror. Many of us compare ourselves to those on the cover of magazines. I can relate as I’m sure many do. We've allowed what a few people say is the model of beauty and equate that with worth. In reality, those people have to work out for hours which most do not have the luxury to invest, or they have their pictures air brushed. They don’t even look like they do on the magazines in real life.

Why Diets Don’t Work Food is Not the Problem looks at who we are in the image of God. Also, how He created us to be reflections of who He is in our hearts and how we show His love to ourselves and others. She models her own walk inviting the Holy Spirit to enable her to change her attitude about food, about who she is and build her self worth on the truth of how God sees her. Instead of building it based on how our culture defines beauty, health, and self-worth. She shares her discoveries of fasting the benefits and true purpose. “Fasting is renouncing the natural to invoke the supernatural”

It’s not a book about dieting but about changing your life by changing how you think about food, its purpose and how you use food. Do you use it to nourish or to cover problems that are not ours to solve?

Check out Joyce’s book.


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